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What is Astral Travel?


Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Astral Travel

Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is a fascinating phenomenon that has captivated spiritual seekers, mystics, and curious minds for centuries. It is the practice of consciously separating the astral body from the physical body to explore the astral plane—a realm of existence that is more subtle and fluid than the physical world we inhabit daily. This mystical experience offers a unique opportunity to explore dimensions beyond our ordinary perception, delving into the mysteries of consciousness and the universe.

Astral Body

At the core of astral travel lies the concept of the astral body, a non-physical, ethereal counterpart to our physical form. The astral body is believed to be composed of a finer, more subtle substance, allowing it to transcend the limitations of the physical world. This body is often described as luminous, radiant, and fluid, capable of traveling through space and time with ease. It is intimately connected to the physical body by a silver cord, an energetic tether that ensures the astral body can safely return after its journey.

Astral Plane

The astral plane, where this journey takes place, is a dimension of existence that vibrates at a higher frequency than the physical world. It is a realm where thoughts, emotions, and intentions manifest more immediately and vividly, making it a place of profound symbolism and powerful experiences. The astral plane is often described as multi-layered, with different levels or sub-planes that correspond to various states of consciousness. Some of these levels may resemble the physical world, while others are entirely abstract, filled with colors, shapes, and energies that defy ordinary description.


One of the most intriguing aspects of astral travel is the sense of freedom it offers. When the astral body separates from the physical body, it is no longer bound by the constraints of physical matter. This means that the astral traveler can move through walls, fly through the sky, or even visit distant planets or dimensions with just a thought. The experience is often described as exhilarating, as it allows the traveler to explore places and realms that are inaccessible in the waking state.

However, astral travel is not merely about exploring new worlds; it is also a profound journey of self-discovery. On the astral plane, one can encounter various aspects of their own consciousness, including repressed emotions, unresolved memories, and hidden desires. These encounters can lead to deep insights and personal growth, as the traveler learns to integrate and heal these aspects of themselves. Additionally, many people report meeting spirit guides, higher beings, or deceased loved ones during their astral journeys, offering guidance, wisdom, and comfort.


The process of astral travel typically begins with deep relaxation and meditation. By calming the mind and body, the individual prepares to enter a state of consciousness that is more conducive to astral projection. Techniques such as focusing on the breath, visualizing the separation of the astral body, or repeating affirmations can help induce this state. Once the separation occurs, the traveler may feel a sensation of floating, vibrating, or tingling as the astral body lifts away from the physical form. This is often accompanied by a shift in awareness, as the traveler becomes fully conscious on the astral plane.


While astral travel can be an exhilarating and transformative experience, it is also important to approach it with mindfulness and respect. The astral plane is vast and varied, containing both light and shadow. Just as in the physical world, not all encounters in the astral realm may be pleasant or benevolent. It is essential to maintain a sense of grounding and protection, often achieved through visualization techniques or calling on spiritual guides for assistance. Trusting one's intuition and inner guidance is key to navigating the astral plane safely and effectively.

Despite the esoteric nature of astral travel, there is growing interest in exploring its potential for personal and spiritual development. Some practitioners use astral travel as a tool for healing, seeking to understand and release emotional blockages that may be affecting their physical and mental well-being. Others explore the astral plane to gain insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe. For many, the experience of astral travel reaffirms the belief in a reality beyond the physical, offering a glimpse into the interconnectedness of all things.

Astral Travel is for Anyone

Astral travel is not just a practice for mystics or spiritual adepts; it is a natural ability that many people can develop with patience, practice, and an open mind. The key is to approach it with a sense of curiosity and humility, recognizing that the journey is as much about inner exploration as it is about outer adventure. Whether you are seeking to explore the astral plane for the first time or deepening your existing practice, astral travel offers a unique and powerful way to expand your consciousness and connect with the greater mysteries of existence.


Astral travel is a profound and transformative practice that allows individuals to explore the realms beyond the physical world. It offers a unique opportunity to transcend the limitations of the physical body, gain insights into the nature of reality, and experience the interconnectedness of all things. By embracing this practice with mindfulness, respect, and an open heart, one can embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and profound exploration of the universe.

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